Bimonthly  formative and summative assessment 

Name:sai prasanna

Roll no:117


Question :1



The above case is of COPD due to RHF and bronchiectasis.
Patient presented with cheif compliants:
1.shortness of breath
2.pedal edema
3.puffiness of face 
decreased urine output 
The patient was with diabetes n hypertension 
On examination it was diagonesed as RHF along with bronchiectasis
Patient was examined thoroughly and treated well
In the above case it was explained with the symptoms clearly




https://muskaangoyal.blogspot.com/2021/05/a-78year-old-male-                                                              with-shortness-of.html

Patient came with cheif complaints:
1.altered sensorium
2.involuntary movements
3.recurrent episodes of seizures for past 5yrs
Diagnosed as brain stroke 

Patient came with chief complaints of 
1.abdominal pain 
4.burning micturation since 4 days
Diagnosed as chronic pancreatitis with pseudocyst and acute infective peri pancreatic fluid collection

Question 2: we didn't take sny case

Question 3:https://pallavi191.blogspot.com/2021/06/gm-cases.html?m=1
patient presented to casuality with complaints of sudden fall followed by weakness of both the lower limbs (paraplegia) and loss of hand grip, associated with bowel and bladder incontinence.He developed generalised weakness and myalgia,cough,low grade fever which he under went sputum studies and tested positive for AFB bacilli and started ATT-HRZE regimen,2 tab according to weight/PO/OD.He is a known case of TB since 1 month. After all the investigations he diagnosed as quadreparesis secondary to infectious spondylitis of C4,C5,C6,C7,and D1 with Epidural abscess at C5-C6 level

Question 4:

As the patient is student who came to OPD with compliants of low backache 1 week ago and fever since 5 days yellowish discolouration of eyes since 3 days along with vomitings diarrhea and blood tinged urine untill yesterday morning.history of presenting ilness with loss of weight and polyuruia in last 2 days he got fever which eventually got subsuded on medications , no history of diabetes, asthama, TB, epilepsya and no relavent family history increased in body temp, icterus - present, normal systemcrxamination with excetion of tenderness in epigastrium and hypochondrium-the probable diagnosis for these symptomscan be viral hepatitis with diabetes mellitus type 1.

Question 5

Even we are in this pandemic situation our clg management is trying to best.
Through this online classes we got opportunity to see the patients and learing to take the cass by our professors n interns.
Once this pandemic come to control then it will be much better to visit the patients and take the case manually 


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